Experimental and numerical evaluation of the hygrothermal performance of a hemp lime concrete building: A long term case study.
This paper addresses the lack of long-term studies on the use of hemp-lime concrete (HLC) in real climatic conditions at the building scale. HLC has already been proven to possess excellent hygrothermal (moisture + heat) regulation properties as well as low energy requirements.
Key Findings:
HLC provided good insulation in walls at 30cm thick and where air leakage issues were identifiedin the joints, they were solved by continuous plaster
In-situ monitoring demonstrates that despite daily variations in outdoor temperature, HLC maintains hygrothermal comfort levels, showing high thermal inertia and effectively dampening fluctuations
Experimental and numerical simulations indicate promising results in predicting relative humidity and temperature variations within the wall
Bassam Moujalled, CEREMA, Direction Centre-Est, 46 Rue St Théobald, F-38081, L’Isle d’Abeau, France
Email: bassam.moujalled@cerema.fr
Moujalled, B. et al. (2018). Experimental and numerical evaluation of the hygrothermal performance of a hemp lime concrete building: A long term case study. Building and Environment, 136, 11–27.