Industrial Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) Agronomy and Utilization: A Review.


This review details the history, usage and prospects of industrial hemp as a reinvigorated agricultural resource. Not only does this paper offer a comprehensive review of the agronomy of industrial hemp but also gives concrete examples of a multitude of its uses.

Key Findings:

  • There is a growing interest in in hemp due to its various benefits as a sustainable fiber crop (more sustainable than cotton)

  • Hemp is eco-friendly and resilient, making it a promising candidate for a range of industries

  • Hemp’s versatility is illustrated in its applications for building materials, bioenergy, industrial paper, and as a substitute for petrochemical products

  • There is need for further research and development to support the growth of the hemp industry, as well as the removal of legislative barriers and for subsidies to be provided to farmers


Jelena Visković, Department of Crop and Soil Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA


Visković, J. et al. (2023). Industrial Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) Agronomy and Utilization: A Review. Agronomy, 13 (3), 931.


Impact of Organic Cultivation Technology of Fiber Hemp (Cannabis Sativa L) on Soil Agrochemical and Bioecological Properties.


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