Comparison of the hygric behaviour of three hemp concretes.


This study compares the hygroscopic activity of three hemp concretes to determine whether composition and manufacturing impacts its hygric (moisture-related) properties. It does this by analysing thee measurement of the sorption curve, the water vapor permeability versus humidity and, the moisture buffer value.

Key Findings:

  • All materials studied were found to highly porous as well as interconnectedly porous, indicating their properties as excellent hygric regulators with high moisture transfer and storage capacities

  • Composition and manufacturing methods have a slight impact on hygric properties of hemp concrete

  • Hemp concrete’s high capacity to buffer moisture could lead to energy savings while maintaining air quality and hygrothermal comfort


Florence Collet, Université Européenne de Bretagne, Laboratoire de Génie Civil et Génie Mécanique, Equipe Matériaux Thermo Rhéologie, France


Collet, F. et al. (2013). Comparison of the hygric behaviour of three hemp concretes. Energy and

Buildings, 62, 294–303.


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