British Hemp Alliance

Creating a Thriving Domestic
Hemp Industry

The British Hemp Alliance (BHA) is the leading organisation in the UK that recognises industrial hemp as an environmental crop that can sequester carbon, remediate toxic soils and improve biodiversity. It advocates for the importance of Industrial Hemp to help the UK government reach its Net Zero targets

Explore the British Hemp Alliance

Hemp Farming

Learn about industrial hemp farming: From licensing and cultivation to harvesting, and its transformational implications for squestering carbon, remediating toxic soils, protecting biodiversity.

CHCx3 is a four-year, multi-partner project, led by NIAB. The research aims to help UK farmers and growers target Net Zero and build farming resilience through diversifying their arable and forage cropping.

CHCX3 Research

Discover the diverse applications of industrial hemp in today’s modern life.  Explore the approximately 25,000 uses of industrial hemp including construction, textiles, bio fuels, biochar and healthy foods.

Hemp Industry

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